What are the benefits of Whitesmile Clear?

The Whitesmile Clear® ALIGNER is novel in its design for being a nearly invisible dental appliance that patients can make the most with. The product contains a Tristar material that delivers the right forces to enable complex movements of the teeth. When it comes to multidirectional movements, the Whitesmile Clear® ALIGNER is a capable appliance for allowing the teeth to move as it brings the upper teeth and the lower set of teeth together to form that undeniable smile the client has been wanting. In the past, clear aligners failed to track teeth and help them align, vertically to align the teeth. With the Whitesmile Clear® ALIGNER, doctors can be confident that those challenging malocclusions can be alleviated with our state-of-the-art dental appliances. Our company motto, “Whitesmile Clear, you are the reason someone smiles today,” exemplifies the quality of our dental appliances. Consider Whitesmile Clear today!

What Steps Are Involved with The Whitesmile Clear ALIGNER?

  • Step1: The Consultation and Planning Step The first step involves scanning the mouth and taking impressions. A bite registration is taken of both the Mandibular arch and Maxillary arch. A Cone Beam Computed Tomography superimposition is also an option depending on the patient. Our technicians will provide the proper dental treatment and movement plan to the doctor. We will also reference any radiographic records and any other photos taken of the patient’s mouth.
  • Step2: The Aligner Fabrication Step. A computer-controlled output of the Whitesmile Clear ALIGNERs will occur in the lab during this step. An attachment template is also available as necessary. Expect 3-week turn around time once we have received a patient’s dental scan or dental impressions.
  • Step3: The Plan Refinement Step. Our unique plan includes refinement at no additional charge for 36 months.

How does the Whitesmile Clear® ALIGNER function?

Each of the Whitesmile Clear® aligners is perfectly designed to fit over the teeth. Over time, the aligner gradually moves all of the teeth right into their appropriate place, so that the teeth produce a perfect smile. The patient must wear our aligners for ten days, 22 hours per day before advancing sequentially to new sets of aligners. The step-by-step process of wearing the aligner helps to reposition the teeth with proper force until the alignment of the teeth is complete. A step by step methodology makes sure that the patients are following the proper orthodontic plan laid out by the dentist. Whitesmile Clear® ALIGNER provides a clear solution that helps to minimize any discomfort the patient may have while wearing the aligner.

Why do you need High-quality ALIGNERS?

Aligning teeth with aesthetic high-quality aligners is an important therapy in modern orthodontics. Especially for treating adults, this concept has proven successful. Experience enhanced tracking with new activated attachments and Whitesmile system – a family of complete orthodontic mechanics that provides continuously efficient and comfortable treatment results. There is a wide range, including extraction cases, of applications for the innovative Whitesmile Clear ALIGNER.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Effective: Treatment will provide optimal, precise results in a short period of time.
  • Cost-effective: Approximately it is one third cheaper than competing aligner systems.
  • Transparent: Tristar materials are a transparent, gentle, yet consistent force of the aligners on the clients’ teeth.
  • Comfortable: The aligners are pleasantly smooth, without brackets or wires.
  • Removable: The aligners can be taken in and out of your mouth quickly at any time (e.g. when you’re eating and brushing your teeth).

We are supplying sets of clear aligners made from advanced materials to dental clinics around the world, with each one used for a week before being discarded.

Contact Us

We are supplying sets of clear aligners made from advanced materials to dental clinics around the world, with each one used for a week before being discarded. We provide a free sample. Please contact us at info@whitesmileclear.com or 018-664-7433.

Treatment process: